Wizard on a Geezer Glide Trike
Fart with Fly on the back
Fly on the back of Fart's Nad
BlckChrome & Mustang Sally
JR's VN750 and Bulldog's VN750
It's not easy being FLY!!!
Bulldog signing Little Red's Hood
The Wildcat Mountain Crew 2005
Signing the hood of Little Red's car that her father backed into with his truck.
"Now, in New Zeeland, you put your hand RIGHT HERE..."
Rest in Peace Brother Snake...
and their VN750 @ Boscobel 8
This was the most VN750's ever to hit Boscobel...
Head to head - both bikes are 1990 VN750's. We always take the same picture whenever our bikes get together.
Our grand master of Boscobel.
"You will have fun or we will beat it into you!!!"
This hood is hanging on the wall of The Unique Cafe in Boscobel, WI
This Nomad mutt bike was created by Snake so that Fart would be able to ride a bike while in the US.
If I ever need to trike it, this will be that trike...
I think that Fly is the only guy ever to break a Concours
If I ever go chopper, this is it...